Monday, 27 August 2012

World Most Venomous Snakes Top 11 (Amazing)

Most people will likely be scared of snakes because of their notorious reputation. According to statistics, there are around thousands of people that who are being bitten by snake. Thankfully, only a small percentage of the total snake species are venomous. This is the reason that most cases of snake bites are not fatal. As this might be the case, venomous snakes are scattered all over the world. Because of lack of knowledge and information about snakes, most people will have a hard time identifying venomous snakes from those non-venomous snakes. As a result, people will generally assume that all snakes are venomous thus increasing the fear of snakes. This article gathered the top ten most venomous snakes. Though this list was made with great amount of care, it may change as research and other studies are conducted. But for now, here are the top ten most venomous snakes.

11. Death Adder

This snake is native in Australia and New Guinea. Its venom is neurotoxin which means that it targets the nervous system of its victim. A bite will cause paralysis of the body and can potentially cause death within 6 hours when paralysis hits the lungs. Before an antivenin was successfully created, there is a 1 out 2 persons who will die from a death adder’s bite. It has the quickest strike among all snakes with just 0.13 of a second.

10. Philippine Cobra

As the name suggest, this snake is commonly found in the Philippines. While most cobras do not have any right to be in this list, the Philippine cobra is the deadliest species of all cobras. The dangerous thing about Philippine cobra is that it is able to spit its venom up to 3 meters. A single drop of its venom can kill an adult within thirty minutes. Its venom targets the brain, lungs, and heart.

9. Tiger Snake

Native to Australia and Tasmania, tiger snakes have yellow-orange stripes like that of a tiger. The survival rate for a person bitten by tiger snake is 30-40 percent and will die within just 30 minutes. The good thing about tiger snakes is that they are not aggressive and they normally will flee but it can become aggressive when cornered.

8. Australian Brown Snake

While it is native to Australia, it can also be found in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. The brown snake can be very aggressive and will chase its target in a very swift manner. It will strike a target multiple times making survival even more difficult. Its venom is a neurotoxin and blood coagulant. A brown snake will more likely stand its ground for a fight. There is no antivenin formulated against brown snake thus making it more fatal.

7. Inland Taipan

Just like the brown snake, it can be found in Australia and known to be the most venomous land snake in the world. Fortunately, taipan snake prefers to flee rather than biting. It will only strike when provoked or being threatened. One bite of a Taipan snake is enough to kill 100 persons. All reported bites resulted from people who keep them as pets or those people who hunt them.

6. Diamond Rattlesnake

Known because of its famous tell tale rattle on its tail, the diamond rattlesnake is the deadliest snake in the North and South Americas. Rattlesnake is made more dangerous because it can strike as far as 2/3rd of its body length. Young diamond rattlesnakes are deadlier compared to adults because they do not know how to control the amount of venom injected to their victims. The venom of a rattlesnake can destroy cells and tissues, paralyze heart and lungs, and altering blood clotting. Most victims of diamond rattlesnakes are being amputated just to save the life of that person.

5. Mozambique Spitting Cobra

Native to Africa, Mozambique spitting cobra is the second deadliest snake in Africa. The bitten area will have a localized tissue necrosis and will result to amputation or removal of that body part. When venom gets contact with the eyes, it can cause blurred vision and even blindness. It can stand up to two-thirds of its body length and spit venom for 2-3 meters. It prefers to spit venom rather than biting and will even play dead to prevent further confrontation. When in a confined area like a tube the reptile will bite instead of spit. This is due to its aggressiveness.

4. Egyptian Cobra

This is a snake responsible for most of snake bite fatalities in Africa. While it is only the third most venomous type of cobras, it is deadlier because of its size, aggressiveness, and ability to inject large amount of venom in a single bite.

3. Belcher’s Sea Snake

Accidentally caught by fishermen in Southeast Asian seas, a single bite can kill 1000 people. Reports of being bitten are rare since they normally dwell in the sea.

2. Russels Viper

Found in Asia and India, Russels Viper is reported to be responsible for all fatalities that resulted from snake bites in the world. Because of its aggressive nature, it will strike even at the smallest provocation. A victim may survive a bite but may undergo severe pain and fever. If the situation worsens, the victim may die from cardiac or respiratory failure.

1. Black Mamba

It is very fast crawling in a whooping speed of 12 miles per hour. Because of its large size and fast speed, it is the deadliest snake in Africa. It is highly territorial and aggressive. The venom will strike the nervous system and making major organs to shut down. For the past decades, a bite from a black mamba snake will result to sure death but because of the development of modern antivenin, a person will have a 25 percent of survival rate.

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